D365 F&O Integration Features

D365 F&O Integration Features
May 5, 2020 No Comments Dynamics 365,Integration,Setup,Technical Yuriy Raskazov

This video is a first part of our ‘D365 F&O Integration Features’ video tutorials. It is an overview of D365 F&O Integration features such as data management framework and Microsoft Office integration.

Recurring integrations and the data management framework in D365 F&O support file-based integration scenarios. This will be the main focus of this video tutorial. The data management framework comes out of the box with Finance and Operations and supports data import and export as well as recurring integrations and basic data transformations scenarios.

This will be useful for people starting to work with D365 F&O or preparing to take MB-300 certification exam.

In the next video tutorial we will explain in more details about integration design patterns and other many considerations which can help you chose your implementation integration scenario.

About The Author
Yuriy Raskazov Microsoft Certified Professional, experienced in application development, solution design and consulting for business solution implementations based on Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

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